
These delicious marzipan Easter eggs remind me of the hope and joy of birdsong. And they are yummy.

Even though it was colder today than it has been for a while, the birds were still singing this morning. As I refilled the bird-feeder in the cherry tree they hopped from branch to branch chirping in expectation.  It's amazing how they communicate with us.  Little tiny green finches fluttered around among the plump buds that look ready to burst with life.  As I retreated towards the house the birds pounced on the seeds and soon Mr Squirrel was there too, along with two magpies (one for sorrow, two for joy).

Driving to work in Norrköping I noticed an ominous rattling and bumping sound that seemed to be coming from under the pedals.  I made it to work and phoned the garage.  No answer.

My first class was English which I co-teach.  The other teacher is endlessly patient, whereas I am not.  One student literally does nothing unless you sit next to him and tell him what to write.  If not, he sits staring into space.  Another boy also needs constant attention if he is to do any work.  Otherwise he is glued to his mobile phone, which is supposed to be turned in at the beginning of class, but which he refuses to relinquish.  A girl who is similarly addicted to her phone can be heard constantly exclaiming the F word.  Today I asked her what she would do if that word didn't exist, if it just disappeared in a puff of smoke and was no more. Which word would she substitute? "I would die," she replied.

After lunch I had an 8th grade class for art with help from two other adults so the class passed quite peacefully and I even had the energy to sort the colored pencils after class.  There are 6 large wooden cases with sections for each color in them.  These were in total chaos, with a few fiber-tipped pens thrown in too.  I sorted them all back into their correct sections.  I hope seeing them organized like this will inspire tomorrow's students to put them back where they belong. Unfortunately many students have a peculiar habit that involves yelling at a friend to get them a color and the friend throwing that color to them.  This isn't conducive to a peaceful classroom or a well-organized box of colored pencils.

I left early after the Principal's 15-minute Monday meeting with all the staff, missing the 8th grade work group meeting, to take my car to the garage.  Luckily I made it back to Söderköping and went to have a coffee and a semla, a special bun for Lent that's filled with marzipan and whipped cream and is completely delicious, while I waited for the verdict.  I was so relieved 30 minutes later to hear that the front driver's side wheel just needed to be tightened up, all four wheels having been changed from winter to summer tires last week.  I didn't ask if the wheel would eventually have fallen off, I was just glad to be back on the road and confident I would be able to get to work for my 8 am class and proctoring National Exams in English tomorrow.  When I got home the birds were still singing.


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