The wheel of life

The wheel of life keeps turning whether we are on it, or not.
Today my friend Joy's beloved cat died peacefully in her sleep.  When someone near and dear to us dies we feel as if the world has stopped turning.  Life has changed, forever.  It will never be the same again.  This is natural, and grief takes time to heal.
Gradually reality forces us to realize that life does go on, and that it's a good thing too.
If we don't heal from grief, and it encroaches too much on our life, and that life seems meaningless due to our grief, there is help at hand.  Homeopathy can help us to regain our sense of being firmly placed within the wheel of life.  Remedies like Ignatia and Natrum Muriaticum help us regain our stride. Once again we can experience joy that the wheel keeps turning.


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