Living the dream

This picture is from Big Sur in California sent to me from my daughter Lili who was camping this weekend with her boyfriend Eric.

Last night I slept so well.  There was a fire burning in my wood burner and I can see it from my bed.  I slept deeply and don't remember any dreams.  I woke up to bright sunlight feeling refreshed.  The wind has at last died down after blowing fiercely for three days.  I've got back into a daily rhythm of feeding Monty and going for a walk with him, making a smoothie, or as my Swedish friend Yvonne calls it, a smotti, practicing yoga, meditating, showering, writing my blog.

Yes, it can be a challenge to do all that before work, but it's possible and it's a question of priorities.  I suddenly felt this morning, "this is what it means to live the dream." We've all heard that expression, "living the dream," but what does it really mean?  Whatever your dream is, it doesn't mean thinking about it, or dreaming about it, talking about it, or writing about it.  Although you can do all that as well.  It means living it.  It means practicing what I preach.  It means living as if this is my dream life, and it is.

There are still hardships and challenges to overcome, money issues, relationship issues, health issues.  Those don't just go away, we are human and dealing with these is part of life.

Last Wednesday a very successful and talented writer came to our school and spoke to the students in the 8th and 9th grades.  His name is Arkan Asaad and he has written three autobiographical novels based on his childhood in Sweden, his father's childhood in Iraq, and the reconciliation between himself and his Kurdish family of origin.  He faced many challenges, including an arranged marriage he did not consent to.  His father's life was unknown to him when Arkan wrote book number one.  He didn't know what his parents had been through in the process of coming to Sweden with their two young children, going from rags to riches and back to rags again.  Arkan says his life started when a Swedish teacher asked him "what are your dreams Arkan?"  This question, which he had never been asked before, set him off on the journey of discovery that was to be his life.  His life living his dream.  Of course, he now wants to make a film of his books and is studying directing in Los Angeles!

Before I went to bed last night I participated in distance Reiki healing, offered by Teppo Oksa, who lives in Norrköping and is a friend of a friend. He's on Facebook and his website is  Teppo has also written three books about his life, but from a more metaphysical perspective and starting with the question "why am I here?"

I didn't even know I needed healing, but I've been reading Teppo's blogs and watching his videos on YouTube where he shares his perceptions on life and thought I would join in the distance Reiki healing he offers on Sunday nights.  I sat down at 9 p.m. and listened to the relaxing music link he had shared via YouTube.  Then I grounded myself by planting my feet firmly on the floor and breathing deeply a few times, and settled in to my comfortable chair.  I am not sure what happened but I felt some tingling in various parts of my body and I felt completely secure and held and relaxed.  I sat in this energy for about half an hour.  Then I turned off the computer and went to bed. 

And woke up to a glorious Monday, a new day, a day in the dream of life.  Have a wonderful Monday and Happy April!


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